DIY personal computing 101
b4 u by a computer and save money.. try this checklist--
1. Identify ur needs
-low end system =[use for document,spreadsheet{pakai aplikasi office daaaa}printing,and office related stuff)]
-mid end sys =[for publishing,pic editing, {all this in DTP (desktop publishing)},web surfing,programming,mid range servers,low end gaming]
-high end sys =[for extreme high performance gaming,programming,high end server,multimedia programming, visual(image,video) editing]
2. core system specification
inside your casing, these things (hardware)determine your system performance capability which all of them co-leteract with each other --
a. The Processor
=the brain of your pc, 2 types to choose.. Intel/IBM based, and AMD based
=[depencency - Motherboard]
b. The Motherboard
=choose wisely because there's lotsa good manufactures out there... MSI,GIGABYTE, bla bla bla... check and compare each motherboard (MOBO) strenght and weaknesses.
=[dependency - Processor,RAM,SystemBus,I/O,IDE,HDD(ATA/SATA),USB n ports]
c. The Display/Graphic card
=From "1. identify your needs" , select the best G-card for your system. Note that some MOBO have build on G-card. Or , u can disable the onboard G-card and install other ISA/PCI/PCI-Express G-card tht u've bought. Ade G-card siap TV-in/out dan video capture capabillity lagi tu.
=tips & recommendations - based on your needs, G-card (unknown/hape punye brand tah) are quite cheap.. but with more graphical problem. it is wise to invest on leading brands (top 5) like ATI , NVDIA,Apacer and others.
p/s- nak murah beli je kad yg secondhand tapi from leading brand.
=[dependency - Motherboard]
d. The memory(RAM)
placeholder for everything in machine code
= for PC100/133 MOBO use DRAM/SDRAM/RDRAM
=for less latest MOBO in the market use DDRam
=for latest MOBO ... use DDR2
you can upgrade RAM by identifying what is the RAM type supported by your MOBO , buy what you need... and install them yourself. dont afraid to try.. its easy!
=[dependency - Motherboard]
e. The soundcard
=dont care.. suka ati ko lah.. Note that some motherboard have build in S-card.
=tips & recommendation : ceh... baik beli build in lagi jimat... tapi kalau onboard s-card tu rosak... haruuuuu ... think b4 u buy~ dont drink n surf
f. Hard Disk Drives
=From "1. Identify your needs" ..terpulang le.... lagi laju RPM & besor capasity lagi baik... ade 2 jenis... ATA and SATA. measured in RPM (rotation per minutes) and Gb (Gigabyte)
=[dependency - Motherboard]
g. The SystemBus
=korang penah dengar tak MOBO yg ade "512k L1 cache/512k L2 cache atau berkenaan dengan FSB (800MHz FSB/1MHz FSB) ...apa tu? tu la system bus.
=meaning in english??
The bus that connects the CPU to main memory on the motherboard. I/O buses, which connect the CPU with the systems other components, branch off of the system bus.
The system bus is also called the frontside bus, memory bus, local bus, or host bus.
=[depencendy - Motherboard]
h. apa lagi ekk... rasanya tu je la yg penting pun. kalau tak cukup/lengkap sesapa sila tambah ekk...
CDROM and Floppy Drive kira standard le.. takyah rasanye nak diterangkan disini.
3. The Network
=4 kategory... dial up modem,10/100Mbps fast ethernet adapter and 802.11a/b/g wireless adapter, USB 2.0 network hub.
pilihle... tapi berhati-hati, kena belajo network dulu kalau nak paham dgn lebih mendalam. aku pun penin nak setup...
4. Other H/W peripherals (optional system specification)
terpulang pada citarasa memasing, ade duit beli..
monitor,printer,DVD's,CD-RW's,combo's,IRdA,USB,1394 Firewire,pendrive,card reader,mouse,keyboard,webcam,digicam,camcoder, and bla bla bla... pepandai le pilih. sampai ade tahap advence pakai thumbprint ,retina scan,voice ID,face recognation system lak tu... huii... dasyat.
Jeles aku.....
wokeh bebeh... i think dats all le that i can think off.. lama jugak taip menda ni sampai makan masa 1jam...siap pikir and do some research lagi..
tapi takpe.. janji korang minat nak tau.
note to all: barang lama jgn in...yg rosak boleh repair...kalau tak bleh repair..plz recycle!
love ur nature...we hav enough pollution already!!!