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Oleh | perginya Sheikh Ahmad Deedat ... |
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INNALILLAHI WAINNA ILAIHI RAJIUN - dikau satu dalam sejuta - petahmu menepis teori kristian dan walau diri ini hanya dapat melihat hospital tempat dirimu dirawat sudah mencukupi masa itu (lawatan semasa di Afrika Selatan April 2005).
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat has passed away Icon of the Muslim World Ustaad Sheikh Ahmed Deedat has passed away. A message on behalf of Trustees, Director and Staff of IPCI Early this morning, 8 August 2005 / 2 Rajab 1426, Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat passed on to meet his Creator. This was after succumbing to a severe stroke that left him paralysed for more than nine years.Throughout this period, he gracefully persevered under the most difficult personal conditions; however, not forgetting his task as a daee (Islamic worker) and an ambassador of Islam, he continued to inspire, educate, challenge and inform people about the universal message of Islam.It is on this solemn occasion of his demise that we salute the courageous spirit and phenomenal work of this world-renowned personality, a hero of the Muslim World, nay, a true hero of believers all around the globe! Brief Biography of Sheikh Deedat Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat was Born on the 01 July 1918 in the Surat district of India in 1918. His father emigrated to South Africa in 1927 with him. Ahmed Deedat was a very bright student and excelled in school. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at an early age of 16 he took on the first of many jobs in retailing and short assistant. After reading a book called Izharul Haq – The Truth revealed, a book about a debate with Christian Missionaries in the then British India, Sheikh Deedat was spurred on in the direction of Dawah – Islamic Missionary Activity to halt the tide of the then Christian onslaught against Islam. Over the next four decades, he immersed himself into a host of activities. Conducting Bible classes, lectures and debates the world over. He established the first Islamic Seminary in Southern Africa to train propagators at Assalaam educational Institute - Braemar. He is the founder of the largest Islamic Dawah Organization in the world, the Islamic Propagation Center International and became its president. He has published more than 20 books and distributed millions of copies of FREE literature and pamphlets the world over. Many of Sheikh Deedat's publications have been translated into the many different languages of the world : Russian, Urdu, Arabic, Bengali, Bangladeshi, French, Amharic, Chinese, Japanese, Mayalam, Indonesian,, Zulu , Afrikaans, Dutch, Norwegian amongst others. He delivered thousands of lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates. Sheikh Deedat's debates and lectures are available all over the world in the various languages in Video and DVD format. His career in the field of Comparative Religion took him across all five continents and dialogue with the heads of the Protestant world in America and the late Pope John Paul. So fearless was his stand in defending the truth that Sheikh Deedat was refused entry into France and Nigeria on the pretext that ` he would cause a civil unrest'. Sheikh Deedat also received a personal phone call at the IPCI from former President Nelson Mandela who was in Saudi Arabia at the time, congratulating Deedat for his international icon status in the Muslim World. He was awarded the prestigious King Faisal Award in 1986 for his sterling services to Islam in the field of Propagation. May Almighty Allah bless his soul, accept his efforts for the cause of the'wah and grant gracious patience to his loved ones during this trying time. His funeral will leave his house 49 Trevenen Road, Lotusville Verulam at 5 pm. Proceeding to the Wick Street Musjid and after Magrib Salah / Prayer , he will be laid to rest in the Verulam Muslim Cemetery. ----------------- ![]() |
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Muslims Mourn Late Sheikh Deedat
By Fatima Asmal, IOL Correspondent DURBAN, South Africa, August 8, 2005 ( - Hundreds of people are expected to attend the funeral of South African caller to Islam Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, who passed away in the early hours Monday, August 8. Sheikh Deedat, 87, passed away at his home in Trevennen Road, Verulam in the province of KwaZulu Natal at 7 a.m. His son Yusuf told IOL that the cause of his death was heart failure. The family was not in a state of shock, said Yusuf. “As Muslims we believe that every soul shall taste death.” He added that the last moments of his father’s life were peaceful, and coincided with the commencement of a recitation of "Surah Yaseen" on an Islamic radio station. “Channel Islam had just introduced and begun to play Surah Yaseen when the throes of death began,” he explained. “My father just looked at us and then passed away.” Funeral Sheikh Deedat will be buried in the Verulam cemetery after Salaatul-Maghrib (Maghreb prayers) Monday. Hundreds of people from around the country are expected to participate in his funeral prayer, and his family says that people from across the world, such as India, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been calling to convey their condolences. “His death comes as a shock to us,” Maulana Ahmed Kathrada, of the Jamiatul ‘Ulama (Scholars' Group), a local theological body, told IOL. He added that Sheikh Deedat had served not only South Africans, but the Muslim Ummah at large, for many years. “We pray that Allah Grants him a lofty position in Jannah (Paradise), and that He Grants his family patience, especially his wife who has endured so much during the last few years.” Dedicated Wife Mrs Hawa Deedat, who had spent the last nine years nursing her husband and administering his daily injections, was present at her husband’s side at the time of his death, and she is well, said Yusuf. “She is the wife of a soldier, and can therefore only be a soldier herself." Several other religious leaders and political figures expressed their sadness at the news of Sheikh Deedat’s death. Mr. Ashwin Trikamjee, president of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha, said that Sheikh Deedat would be missed by Muslims worldwide and the greater South African Muslim community. “I think that the Islamic community has lost a great man, who was totally committed to the cause of Islam,” he said. Mr. Trikamjee said that Sheikh Deedat had made a huge impact on constructive religious debate. Mr Riaz Jamal, a director of the Al-Ansaar Foundation in Durban, South Africa, who had done a thesis on Sheikh Deedat as part of his Masters in Islamic Studies, said that there was a need for the Muslim and Christian worlds to continue to bring audiences together for religious debate and dialogue. “Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was a global caller to Islam,” he said. "I don’t think any other Muslim wrote to the Pope, inviting him to Islam, but Sheikh Deedat did. It’s our responsibility to continue in propagating his message.” Sheikh Deedat’s health had been steadily deteriorating in the last few months after he had suffered various complications related to the lock in syndrome stroke which had left him paralysed and bed-ridden for almost a decade. His death marks the end of an era of the’wah in which his name became synonymous with breaking down inter-faith barriers. His Life Born on July 1, 1918, Sheikh Deedat arrived in South Africa, from India, as a nine-year-old in August 1927. Although he hadn’t previously been exposed to the English language, he learnt it in six months, excelled at school and finished top of his class. However, due to financial considerations, his father removed him from school during his early years of secondary schooling. He was sent to work in a store in a rural area, where his mission of the’wah began. Students from a Christian missionary school would visit the store preaching their beliefs to him, and knowing little more than the shahadah (testifying that no god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet), he found it difficult to defend his beliefs. He then stumbled upon a book which carried a religious dialogue between a Muslim imam and a Christian priest, and this proved to be the first of many books which he would read on the subject. He began researching both religions and recording his findings in a notebook, after which he started delivering lectures in South Africa. First Lecture His first lecture was entitled “Muhammad (peace be upon him): Messenger of Peace,” at it was delivered in 1940, to 15 people at a cinema in his province. Within a short space of time, the numbers grew and people crossed the racial divides which were then prevalent in apartheid South Africa, to listen to him, and to participate in the questions and answers sessions which followed his lectures. Although some Christians and Muslims felt that his style was blunt, many others reverted to Islam, and the’wah soon began to dominate his life, with the audiences at his lectures reaching forty thousand. In 1957, Sheikh Deedat, together with two of his friends, founded the Islamic Propagation Center which printed a variety of books and offered classes to new Muslims. In 1986, he visited Saudi Arabia for a conference, and in his first television interview, enthralled the Arab world with his dynamic personality and in depth knowledge of comparative religion. He then visited the United Kingdom, Morocco, Kenya, Sweden, Australia and Denmark on lecture and debating tours. In the United States, he became famous for a debate with the American Reverend Jimmy Swaggart, witnessed by 8,000 people on the topic “Is the Bible the Word of God.” On May 3, 1996, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat suffered a stroke which left him paralysed from the neck down, and also meant that he could no longer speak or swallow. He was flown to a hospital in Riyadh, where he was taught to communicate through a series of eye-movements. He spent the last nine years of his life in a bed in his home in Verulam, South Africa, encouraging people to engage in the’wah. He continued to receive hundreds of letters of support from around the world. sumber : |
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Saudara/ Saudari,
Saya ingin mencadangkan Saudara/ri supaya mendapatkan satu set (3 VCD) pembongkaran penyelewengan kitab Bible melalui Debat Agung Ulama dan Ketua Paderi Sweden yang diadakan di bandar suci kristian, Stockholm. Ulama Ahmad Deedat telah berjaya mengislamkan bukan sahaja penganut Kristian malahan juga paderi paderi kristian seluruh dunia dengan kepintarannya membuktikan pemalsuan teks kitab bible. Beliau terlah berdebat dengan ramai ketua paderi dunia, di antaranya ketua paderi USA, Kanada dan Sweden dan sehingga ke hari ini telah ramai orang kristian yang meragui kesahihan isi kandungan Bible setelah mendengar hujahnya yang jelas, jitu dan realistik. Sehingga ke hari ini penjelasan beliau tidak mampu disanggah dengan hujah yang tepat oleh golongan muktabar kristian. Ahmad Deedat dianugerahkan Allah dengan kepintarabn yang tinggi dalam ilmu comparative religion dan beliau seorang hafiz al-quran dan menghafal lebih dari 6 versi bible. Beliau juga mampu bertutur dengan fasih lebih dari 7 jenis bahasa dunia. Saya merasakan tak rugi seandainya Saudara/ri mendapatkan satu set kerana kandungan ilmunya boleh diperturunkan kepada cucu cicit sehingga hari kiamat. Melalui debat ini juga kita jelas dapat melihat kekuatan al-Quran sebagai mukjizat yang terpelihara sehingga hari kiamat, dengan kekuatan bahasanya tanpa sebarang kesilapan grammer dan kekuatan isinya disebalik bahasanya, jelas sekali tidak seperti Bible yang diselewengkan. Saya sedia mengirimkan satu set kepada Saudara/ri dengan harga RM12.00 seset (mengandungi 3 VCD). Saudara/ri hanya perlu memberikan kepaada saya nama Saudara/ri, alamat untuk penghantaran serta nombor telefon. Bayaran boleh dibuat melalui kiriman wang/ cek atau Banking Online setelah penghantaran selamat diterima Wasalam. MOHD BADRUN BIN MOHD ARSHAD Selayang. SMS ke Tel: 019-4050395 Email ke: DEBAT AGUNG ULAMA vs KETUA PADERI Dapatkan debat agung ulama vs Ketua Paderi Sweden diad akan di Stockholm. Ketahui penyelewengan Bible yang sebenarnya disampaikan oleh ulama yang berjaya mengislamkan ramai paderi dunia. RM12 for 3 VCD. Email alamat dan nombor handphone. Bayar setelah penghantaran. Send to Go to: Author wrote: > BELASUNGKAWA > PERGINYA TOKOH PERBANDINGAN AGAMA YANG DIKAGUMI > KEPERGIAAN Sheikh Ahmad Hoosen Deedat pada pagi 8 Ogos (2 Rejab 1426) merupakan satu kehilangan besar kepada Dunia Islam. > Walaupun lebih sembilan tahun menderita angin ahmar, beliau terus cuba bertugas sebagai dai dan duta Islam. > Beliau dilahirkan pada 1 Julai 1918 di wilayah Surat, India. > Ayahnya membawa seluruh keluarganya berhijrah ke Afrika Selatan pada 1927. > Sejak kecil, beliau telah menunjukkan kecerdasan luar biasa. Namun persekolahannya terbantut kerana miskin. > Pada usia 16 tahun, beliau mula bekerja sebagai pembantu runcit. > Selepas membaca buku Izharul Haq (Pendedahan Kebenaran) mengenai bahas dengan mubaligh Kristian di India yang dijajah British, hatinya terbuka untuk berdakwah. > Selama empat dekad, beliau menyelami Al-Quran, Injil dan Taurat dan agama-agama lain. Kesarjanaannya dalam Injil cukup dikagumi dan sukar dicari ganti. > Beliau telah mengasaskan Pusat Pendidikan Assalam di Braemar, Afrika Selatan. > Malah beliau telah mengasaskan juga Pusat Antarabangsa bagi Dakwah Islam dan menjadi presiden pertamanya. > Di tangannya terhasil lebih 20 buku yang disebarkan dalam pelbagai bahasa dunia termasuk Russia, Urdu, Arab, Bengali, Bangladesh, Perancis, Amharik, Cina, Jepun, Mayalam, Indonesia, Zulu, Afrikaan, Belanda dan Norway. > Sudah ribuan kuliah dan syarahan yang disampaikan ke seluruh dunia, termasuk dialog dengan para pendeta Kristian. > Ceramahnya telah dirakamkan dalam video atau cakera padat yang tersebar ke seluruh dunia. > Pada 1986, beliau dikurniakan Anugerah Raja Faisal kerana baktinya kepada Islam. Presiden Nelson Mandela, yang ketika itu di Arab Saudi, menelefonnya untuk menyampaikan tahniah. > Selain beliau, ahli falsafah Perancis, dari Roger Gharoudi, turut diberikan anugerah. > Azam Allahyarham Sheikh Ahmad Deedat senantiasa berkobar-kobar dalam menegakkan kebenaran Islam. Namun, beliau juga mempunyai ramai teman Kristian atau dari agama lain. > Beliau diserang angin ahmar selepas menyampaikan siri ceramah di Australia yang mendapat sambutan hangat. > Jenazahnya disemadikan di perkuburan Lotusville Verulam, Dunbar, Afrika Selatan. Sumber: |
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Perginya tokoh unggul pembela Islam
BERATUS-RATUS orang dari seluruh Afrika Selatan menyertai pengebumian Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat, yang menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada awal Subuh Isnin lalu selepas mengalami sakit angin ahmar yang menyebabkan beliau terlantar di katil sejak sedekad lalu. Mereka datang dari segenap pelosok untuk memberikan penghormatan terakhir kepada tokoh kebanggaan mereka, seorang pembela pada ketika masyarakat Islam diserang dari segala sudut, beliau membangkitkan kekuatan jiwa ummah, pejuang yang suara semangat dan kebenarannya menjadi cahaya di tengah bayangan penindasan, kezaliman dan prejudis, kata seorang wartawan Islam online. Suasana haru menyelubungi kediaman ketika jenazah Deedat diusung keluar pada kira-kira jam 5 petang Isnin lalu dalam keranda yang dibaluti kain hijau. Jenazahnya dibawa ke Masjid Jalan Utama. Di situ disempurnakan solat jenazah oleh kira-kira seribu jemaah dan diimamkan oleh ulama Islam terkenal dari Zambia, Mufti Ismail Menk. Sebelum itu jenazah Deedat dibaringkan di ruang tamu rumahnya. Isterinya, Hauwa Deedat berusia 84 tahun yang memakai burqa dan jilbab putih duduk di sisinya. Dia memeluk sebahagian wanita yang berkunjung untuk mengucapkan takziah sambil menceritakan kepada mereka, suaminya meninggal dunia dalam keadaan mudah, indah dan tanpa kesakitan. Tamu yang hadir meluahkan rasa kehilangan mereka atas pemergian seorang tokoh yang memartabatkan status masyarakat Islam Afrika Selatan ke serata ceruk dunia Islam. “Beliau menjadi satu lambang,” kata Suleiman Vahed yang pernah bekerja bersama Deedat.” Saya tidak fikir ada tokoh yang dapat menandingi keunggulan beliau.” Rehana Badat, bekas jiran dan sering mengunjungi kediaman Deedat, berkata kematian beliau, meskipun memang dijangka, agak sukar untuk diterima. Beliau menyifatkan Deedat mempunyai keperibadian mithali dan menyanjungi sikap merendah dirinya. Beliau seorang ternama, dan boleh saja memandu kereta mewah atau tinggal di mahligai indah jika mahu. Namun begitu beliau mengekalkan sifat tawaduk dan hidup serba ringkas sepanjang hayatnya. Tambah beliau idola Islam seperti Deedat amat diperlukan pada saat ini ketika ummah menghadapi pelbagai dugaan dan ujian. Ramai yang mengucapkan takziah kepada balu Deedat memperkatakan mengenai ketabahan dan semangat beliau. ”Dia mewarisi kekuatan papa,” ujar menantunya Yasmin Deedat. ”Dia benar-benar seorang yang positif dan terus bersikap positif sepanjang masa sakit suaminya dan tidak pernah merungut dengan keadaan beliau.” Yasmin berkata telefon berdering bertalu-talu dengan panggilan dari seluruh dunia daripada mereka yang mahu mengesahkan kematian Deedat dan menyampaikan takziah. Dia juga dengan sedih menceritakan kisah Muhammad, seorang peminat muda Deedat dari Arab Saudi yang pada masa ini sedang belajar bahasa Inggeris di Afrika Selatan. “Dia menghabiskan masa hari demi hari bersama papa, bahkan mengunjunginya malam tadi. Apabila kami memberitahunya beliau sudah meninggal dunia, dia enggan mempercayai kami dan datang hari ini, terus meluru ke biliknya kerana mahu bersama al-marhum.” Muhammad masuk ke kamar Deedat tetapi beliau tiada lagi di situ, sebaliknya terbujur kaku dengan ditutupi kain kafan di ruang tamu. Deedat disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Verulam selepas solat Maghrib. Warisan peninggalan Deedat bukan sekadar untuk kerabatnya malah buat seluruh umat Islam, kata Yasmin. Pada 3 Mei 1996 Deedat yang lahir pada tahun 1918, mengalami serangan angin ahmar menyebabkan beliau lumpuh dari leher ke bawah. Ia juga bermakna beliau tidak lagi dapat bertutur atau menelan makanan. Beliau kemudian diterbangkan ke Riyadh, di mana dia diajar berkomunikasi menerusi beberapa siri pergerakan mata. Deedat menghabiskan masa sejak sembilan tahun lalu di atas katil di rumahnya di Verulam, Afrika Selatan sambil tidak berputus asa untuk terus memberi perangsang kepada umat Islam supaya membabitkan diri dalam dakwah. Dalam pada itu beliau terus menerima surat sokongan dari seluruh dunia. Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat - Dilahirkan pada 1 Julai 1918 di Surat, India dan dibawa berhijrah ke Afrika Selatan oleh bapanya pada tahun 1927. - Menerbitkan lebih 20 buku dan mengedarkan berjuta salinan karya dan risalah percuma ke seluruh dunia. Kebanyakan karyanya diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa berbeza. - Pernah menerima panggilan peribadi daripada bekas Presiden Afrika Selatan, Nelson Mandela, mengucapkan tahniah di atas sumbangannya kepada pendidikan Islam. - Dipilih menerima pengiktirafan berprestij Anugerah Antarabangsa Raja Faisal pada tahun 1986. - Semangatnya mempertahankan Islam mula bersemarak selepas mendengar penghinaan mubaligh Kristian terhadap Islam. |
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