-----Original Message-----
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Loacker biscuits - not Halal
Dear Sis and Bros
Share with u wrt this popular biscuits brand "LOACKER". It's not halal. As proof, u may read below. U may also refer to the webpage www.loacker.it to further understand how it looks like. It's easily found in the market.
Hope we abstain from this product, Insya-Allah.
Thanks and wassalam
ps:- Hayati, thanks for the useful info. Jazakallahul Khair...
-----Original Message-----
[email protected] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:17 PM
To: Zahratullaili Haji Ali
Subject: Loacker - light, natural, delicious -
Your e-mail of 9th June 2003
Dear Zahra,
In reference to your request regarding the source of enzyme to process the sweet whey powder we inform you that we have two sources for Loacker products: one is from rennet (calves origin) and the other is from pepsin (pigs origin).
If you have any other question please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Günther Kircher
Marketing - Product Management
A. Loacker AG, Gasterer Weg 3, I-39050 Unterinn
phone: ++39-0471-296111 faxsimile: ++39-0471-296115
homepage: www.loacker.it
[email protected] -----------------